Vote 411 is now online in Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender Counties! The League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear is providing this nonpartisan, free election resource as a “one-stop shop” for election information. provides simple, user-friendly tools to help North Carolina voters navigate the voting process. Using, people can look up factual candidate information, a voter registration tool, polling place information, and other helpful election information. VOTE411 helps millions of voters each year. Many young people and first-time voters learn about candidate stances, look up what’s on their ballot, find their polling location, and more. In order to put together the candidate portion of for the primary election, the League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear’s Voter Services Action Team contacts candidates for all contested offices on the ballot in the tri-county area from U.S. Senate to local offices. Candidates are encouraged to put information about themselves and their campaign into the website and to answer a set of general policy questions. People can go to, put in their address and get information on all of the candidates on their ballot who have responded. “Voters in New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender Counties need simple, accessible tools to help them navigate the voting process before they go to vote,” said Marla Barthen, LWVLCF Co-President. “VOTE411 is the nation’s premiere online election resource, and the League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear has published our voter guide on to serve as a resource for all of the area’s voters. The League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear is pleased to provide this important, nonpartisan resource to voters. We encourage voters to visit to make a voting plan so they are prepared to cast their vote confidently on Election Day, May 17, or during early voting on April 28-May 14!” Vote 411 allows you to generate a sample ballot with all your nonpartisan candidate information. All candidates are invited to participate by answering questions and uploading campaign statements and videos. |
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